Chief Keef And Gucci Mane's 'Big Bucci Sosa' (Mixtape) Has Artwork

by HHL Editors

Chief Keef and Gucci Mane make for a pretty wild duo, and the artwork for their upcoming mixtape Big Bucci Sosa reflects their not-always-so-responsible personalities and Mane's famous love of ice cream

Keef joined Mane's 1017 Brick Squad label back in May of 2013 and there has been talk of a joint mixtape from them since this summer. Initially, Big Bucci Sosa was scheduled to drop September 27.  That date has obviously come and gone. So far no word on a new date, however seeing the art is done it should be soon. No mater what happens with the joint effort, Keef fans will definitely be getting mixtape goodness from him on Halloween, when his solo mixtape Back From The Dead 2 drops.

Are you exited for Big Bucci Sosa?