Charleston White Removes His Eye During Interview


You may not have known this, but anti-gang advocate Charleston White is a one-eyed man.

During a recent interview with SayCheese, White shocked and horrified Shawn Cotton by removing his eye.

Inevitable, the talk turned to Fett Wap.

But White says there is no comparison between him and Fetty.

Charleston White takes his eye out during interview!! 😳😳😭😭😭

— The Menace 🥷 (@Charlestonwhyt) December 14, 2023
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"He shit was ugly," he said of Fetty.  "He was ugly with his.  I ain't ugly with mine. He had an open space.  I have a fake eye.  He had a hole.  It was ugly too."

White added that he rarely removes his eye even though you are supposed to take it out once every two days for cleaning.