
Cam'ron Has Revised His View On Snitching Because Of Trump

By HHL Editors

cam-stitchesBack in 2007, Cam’ron made himself the poster boy for the stop-snitching movement by getting on 60 Minutes and saying he wouldn’t snitch on a serial killer who lived next door to him.

But Killa Cam has changed his point of view because of one Donald Trump.

In a video for The Daily Show, Cam says snitching is now OK for some.

“Times changed. With Donald Trump as president, y’all snitches have a civic-ass responsibility to tell us what he’s up to. So, if you’re a member of the intelligence community, a government bureaucrat, or a disgruntled third wife who didn’t sign up for any of this shit, tell the world what you know, ’cause from now on, snitches get riches," Cam argues.
Do you agree?

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