Cam'ron Claims Jay Z Stabbed Lance 'Un' Rivera Over Girl, Not Leaked Music

by HHL Editors

The story goes that Jay Z stabbed record exec Lance 'Un' Rivera in 1999 because Hov believed Rivera was behind the bootlegging of Vol. 3... Life and Times of S. Carter.

However, in a new interview with DJ Whoo Kid, Cam'ron disputes this. In fact, Cam confirms the rumor that the beef was all about a lady, rapper Charli Baltimore.

"This was all over Charli Baltimore ... Jay liked Charli at one time, and that was [The late Notorious B.I.G's] girl." Cam said, adding that Hov moving in on Charli had Big's still-loyal friend Rivera feeling a certain type of way. "They can say a song leaked or whatever, but it was over Charli Baltimore," Cam continued. "'Yo Charli man, that was you.'"
Killa Cam starts talking Jay, Baltimore and Rivera at about the nine minute mark.