Cam'Ron And Mase Rip Petty, Insecure JAY-Z For What He Did To Lil Wayne


Cam'ron and Ma$e have nothing against Kendrick Lamar.

But they don't think he should perform at the Super Bowl in Lil Wayne's hometown of New Orleans.

They also think that JAY-Z's personal feelings drove the decision to pick Kendrick over Wayne.

Cam’ron and Mase reacting to Kendrick Lamar performing at the 2025 Super Bowl instead of Lil Wayne on It What It Is

“It’s egregious and it gotta stop.”

— Ahmed/The Ears/IG: BigBizTheGod 🇸🇴 (@big_business_) September 9, 2024
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"I love Kendrick Lamar.  I love the popup.  I think he's one of the top artists of this generation.  Hate the selection.  It's in New Orleans, you don't get Lil Wayne?  That's what we doing?  There's no reason that Lil Wayne shouldn't be performing the Super Bowl.  There's one person who's stopping this.  It's not really a secret.  Lil Wayne had a problem with somebody before who's part of the organization running it.  This is payback.  Who's Lil Wayne's artist?  Drake.  This is ridiculous.  Lil Wayne not performing in the Super Bowl is egregious and it's gotta stop," Cam said, calling out JAY-Z.

"I'm doubling down on that, hating at this age is crazy," Ma$e added.  "That's sad you that insecure."

Is Hov a sucker for this?