Dabbin' is all the rage these days.
It's not hard to do, and Bow Wow recently jumped on the Internet and explained why.
"The whole world dabbin, and they don't even know or understand what dabbin is. First of all, dab is a strong way to smoke marijuana, it's the purest form of marijuana, it's extremely strong. So the dance comes from when you smoke and you cough and the first thing you do is..." He says before doing the dab's signature move.
CLOWN ASS https://t.co/2y68i9LqCF Bow wow must of got a little too high this morning.
Somebody pls tell Bow Wow stfu cuz that is NOT where the dab came from! Fukin clown ' @JoseGuapo @Migos #freeflippa pic.twitter.com/8NrHgB0eUL — Rich The Kid (@IAmRichTheKid) December 8, 2015
In the past Migos has mixed it up with OG Maco over who invented dabbin'. The trio certainly takes the dance seriously.