Bobby Shmurda Gets Prison Advice From Freeway Rick Ross

by HHL Editors

These days, Freeway Rick Ross is best known for rapper Rick Ross swiping his name. But in the eighties he was a notorious drug dealer, and he ended up serving about 14 years for his crimes.

AllHipHop caught up with Freeway yesterday and the 54-year old had some advice for 20-year old Bobby Shmurda, who remains on Rikers Island and faces up to 25 years in jail on drug and conspiracy to commit murder charges.

"What I did with prison is I turned my prison cell into a college," he said. "An old guy told me in prison, 'You can get your college degree two places: you can get it at Penn State or the state pen.' With my situation I found out that I was gonna wind up getting mine from the state pen. So I turned my prison cell into a university. I read over 300 books."
You can see the entire interview below. In it, Ross also has advice for his rapper namesake.