Biden Administration Fires & Reassigns Staffers Who Smoke Weed


Weed is legal for recreational use in 14 states and for medical purposes in 21 more.

But it's not legal Federally.

That distinction may have just reared its head.

The Biden Administration is in the process of reassigning staffers who have admitted to smoking weed, even though they had been told their marijuana use would be "overlooked" if they copped to it on their background check.

This week,  Director of Management and Administration Anne Filipic has been calling staffers who admitted to toking and asking that they resign or be placed in a remote work program. 

The White House explained that it was part of a process.

"This decision was made following intensive consultation with career security officials and will effectively protect our national security while modernizing policies to ensure that talented and otherwise well-qualified applicants with limited marijuana use will not be barred from serving the American people," the White House said in a statement.