Benzino is a protective dad.
He did his best to keep his famous daughter Coi Leray away from weed.
Now he's doing his best to keep her from Sosa.
Zino was asked The Guads Show if he would be down with Coi dating a rapper, Zino's mind quickly went to Chief Keef, man of many baby mamas.
"If my daughter brought home Chief Keef, my life is f*cked,” Benzino said. “And Chief Keef is one of my favorite young artists, ‘I’m a Gorilla in a zoo’ and all that, but I don’t want my daughter with Chief Keef.”
Then they brought up Kendrick Lamar dating Coi.
"No," Zino said emphatically.
However, he changed his tune when they brought up J. Cole.
“Maybe J. Cole ... You know what? I wasn’t thinking about J. Cole. I could see me and J. Cole kicking it. Coi in there cooking and me and him sitting watching the game. I could see me and J. Cole doing that," he said "J. Cole a good one.”