Barack Obama Blames Hip Hop For Trump's Success With Black Voters


Even though he keeps denying it, Donald Trump lost the election to Joe Biden.  And it wasn't all that close.

One bright spot for Trump electorally is that he did better with minority voters in 2020 than he did in 2016, despite doing worse overall.

While he didn't increase his numbers with Black voters as much as he did Hispanic and Asian voters, he did seem to do a bit better with the African American community -- especially with Black men.

Barack Obama, the first and only Black president, thinks Hip Hop may have had something to do with Trump's relative success.

"It’s interesting—people are writing about the fact that Trump increased his support among Black men [in the 2020 presidential election], and the occasional rapper who supported Trump," Obama told The Atlantic. "I have to remind myself that if you listen to rap music, it’s all about the bling, the women, the money. A lot of rap videos are using the same measures of what it means to be successful as Donald Trump is. Everything is gold-plated. That insinuates itself and seeps into the culture."

Do you think the love of bling drove Black voters to a man with a golden toilet?