Late last year, Akon defended Tekashi 6ix9ine's snitching because the troll rapper was "telling the truth."
"With Tekashi I can't really speak on why he would do that, but most likely it's for the obvious reasons. But everyone goes through something in their lives that propels them to do things that they feel is in the best interest of themselves," Akon told Capital Xtra.
"And I think, you really can't blame him, if what he's saying is the truth. Granted there's the big rule that you never [talk to the police and rat] I get it. But at the end of the day, if it's true, and he said it, then it is what it is. Now, if you feel some kind of way that he said it, that's a personal problem that y'all got to deal with."
In a new Instagram Live interview with DJ Whoo Kid Akon took his defense of 6ix9ine a step further.
"Tekashi, that's my little man. Because here's the thing, right? He's young, bro. His generation and our generation ain't the same ... I look at him as a G that was surrounded by a whole bunch of older Gs that didn't inform him and didn't educate him properly as to what he was getting himself into. When people get caught up in situations, they are going to have to follow their survival instinct. I'm not going to put somebody that young, that inexperienced, into a situation in that if we get caught, I know there's going to be a possibility that he might fold you," Akon explains. "He had to literally decide, ‘What’s more valuable to me?’ My family or my future. You have to make a decision that’s going to better you."
18-year old Lil Mosey, who just claimed he would never work with 6ix9ine may disagree about it being a generational thing.
Nevertheless, do agree with Akon that it was really Shotti, Mel Murda, Jim Jones and the rest who failed the streets rather than it was 6ix9ine's fault?