Adin Ross Threatens to Have Kendrick Lamar Goons Beaten Over LA Ban


This afternoon, some old heads who claim to be in Kendrick Lamar's camp banned streamer Adin Ross from Los Angeles because of his outward support of Drake.

Kendrick Lamar goons ban Adin Ross from LA and state they will slap him and his sidekick cheesur if they ever come

— Adin Updates (@AdinUpdatess) September 26, 2024
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When Adin caught wind of that, he had his own threat.

Adin Ross responds to Kendrick Lamar affiliates allegedly banning him from California

"I'm gonna go to LA, nobody's gonna do sh*t to me, I promise you bro"

— Kurrco (@Kurrco) September 26, 2024
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"I'm not banned from LA.  I wish somebody would.  I share to God, I'm going to go to LA and nobody is going to do sh*t to me a promise you.  You think I'm scared of LA ... F*ck that old ass motherf*cker on that podcast, I'll slap the sh*t out of you.  Well, not me.  I'll have security smack the f*ck out of you and beat your ass," Adin said.

Interestingly, Kendrick's team never made any effort to keep Drake out of LA, whereas we suspect Kendrick would think twice about traveling to Toronto—if not all of Canada.