Action Bronson Responds To Getting Kicked Off College Concert

by HHL Editors

For the second time, Action Bronson has been booted from a concert bill because of his old lyrics.

It first happened to the chef-turned-rapper last summer, when protesters objected to the lyrics of his 2011 track 'Consensual Rape' and had him removed from Toronto’s North By Northeast music festival.

It was the same track that bothered some students at George Mason University (249 of them signed a petition), and caused the school's administration to remove Bronson as the headlining act of George Mason's Spring Fling concert tomorrow.

Bronson addressed the conservatory on Facebook.

Five years ago in 2011, I wrote a song called “Consensual Rape” that admittedly contains lyrics and a general sentiment of violence towards woman which I never meant to represent who I am but rather to depict a story. I approach my music as other types of artists approach their work, and I don’t always intend the stories that I tell, the characters that I play in them or the lyrics I lay down to be taken literally. The songs I make aren’t any different than a director creating a movie, or an author writing a book meaning they contain scenes or things happen in them that aren’t meant to be anything but an artistic expression- just a song, a book or a film. I’ve never performed “Consensual Rape” at a concert, and I don’t plan to."
See Bronson's full message below.

To the Students at George Washington University and the public at large:I’m writing this letter to hopefully bring... Posted by Action Bronson on Thursday, March 31, 2016