Meek Mill's serving two to four years for probation violations.
Meek and his legal team believe that the judge who sentenced him is being driven by a personal vendetta.
That's one of the reasons both the rap game and Meek's hometown of Philly have rallied around Mill.
Philadelphia 76ers co-owner Michael Rubin has become one of Meek's biggest supporters. The two became friends a few years ago when they met sitting courtside at a Sixers game.
Rubin visited Mill in prison last Thursday, and reports he's doing as well as could be expected.
"He's not mad at the world, he knows he's just been dealt a rotten hand," Rubin told Billboard. "He's very positive, I just can't believe Meek is in jail for popping a wheelie on a closed street where he was filming a music video and for breaking up a fight he didn't start and all the charges were dropped against him."
Rubin also expanded upon why he's become such an advocate for freeing Meek.
"He explained the judge wouldn't let him travel and I didn't understand how he was doing that with all these people that depend on him," Rubin said. "That's when I started paying attention to his legal situation and started trying to help."
"I come from a world of honesty and integrity and I witnessed what I consider to be as bad an abuse of power as I've ever seen. And at that point I said to Meek that myself and others will do everything we can to support him... Hopefully he'll be home for Christmas."
Given how Meek's appeal process has been going, it doesn't seem realistic to expect him to be home by next week.
But it's possible Rubin knows something that we don't.