Kim Kardashian Gets Ripped For Defending An Accused Racist, Then Issues Apology [VIDEO]

by Daryl Nelson

Kim Kardashian defended Jeffree Star, a popular makeup vlogger who said some racist remarks about black people and Mexicans in the past. Now she's getting blasted for it.

Kim is among those who have criticized Star before, but now she wants people to give him another chance.

"I get it's a serious deal if you say racial things, but I do believe in people changing, and people that apologize, I will give them the benefit of the doubt," she said on Snapchat. "I know better than anyone that I hate when people bring up my past or mistakes [that] I've made in the past, so let him live."

#KimKardashian tells her fans to get over #JeffreeStar's racist past (part 1 of 2)

— BallerAlert (@balleralert) August 15, 2017
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#KimKardashian tells her fans to get over #JeffreeStar's racist past (part 2 of 2)

— BallerAlert (@balleralert) August 15, 2017
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People blasted the reality star for assuming it was her place to forgive the racist comments that weren't aimed at her.

Wait so, Kim Kardashian, who isn't black, is telling black people to get over racism because dude is good at make up?

— Holden Caulfield (@thisisrory) August 15, 2017
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Idc how Kim Kardashian feels about Jeffree Star. His apology wasn't for her to accept, since his comments weren't aimed at her. Bye!

— Dewayne (@MoreDewayne) August 15, 2017
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After the backlash, Kim apologized for sticking up for Star and said she didn't know enough about the situation.

"Hey guys, I really wanted to apologize to you guys and my fans for defending a situation yesterday that I really didn't know too much about," she explained. "I just feel a bit naive, and I do want to really apologize for me feeling like I had the right to say 'get over it' in a situation that involves racism, and I just don't really feel like I have the right to speak on that."
As far as Star, he issued an apology for his racist comments back in June, but that hasn't gotten him off the hook with a lot of folks.

"Those videos were 12 years ago, and I look at them and it just makes me sick to my stomach, because I don't know who that person was," he said in a video. "The person who said those horrible, vile things, that person was depressed, that person was just angry at the world, that person felt like they were not accepted, that person was seeking attention. But does that make it okay? Absolutely not."

What do you think about Kim getting involved in all of this?

[Related: Kim Kardashian offers up new explanation for cocaine lines in video.]