Tyler, The Creator Reported Dead By ABC News Hackers

by Daryl Nelson

Tyler, The Creator isn't dead, and he's doing just fine.

Today, (March 23) the Twitter accounts of ABC News and Good Morning America were hacked, and the hackers said the Cali rapper died in a bus crash.

Besides that, the hackers claimed they were Russians who loved Donald Trump, and they also wrote cryptic messages like this:

"Look in the mirror and you'll see Savaged written on your forehead."
All of the hacked tweets have since been deleted, and ABC News has issued a statement.

.@ABC News, @GMA & @GMAPopNews Twitter accounts were hacked early this morning. We resolved the issue quickly & errant tweets were deleted.

— ABCNews PR (@ABCNewsPR) March 23, 2017
Error loading Tweet. It may have been deleted.

So far, Tyler hasn't responded to any of this.

But it's got to feel good that the hackers were thinking about him.