50 Cent Takes It In Stride When Tiffany Lighty Smashes Up His Lamborghini

by HHL Editors

50 Cent let Tiffany Lighty drive his Lamborghini around Brooklyn yesterday during the filming of her reality show In the Light with Lighty.

Bad idea.

Lighty, the daughter of Fif's late manager Chris Lighty, ended up smacking the 300K car into a lesser car, costing the Lambo one of its side mirrors.

Apparently, Tiffany was trying to maneuver around a double parked Uber car when the fender bender went down.

50 took it in stride, posing for photos with the Uber driver and then this one, which Tiffany put on her Instagram account.

Do you think 50 would have reacted so gently if Yayo had smashed up his car?