50 Cent Responds To Criticism For Downplaying Michael Rainey Jr.'s Sexual Assault

by Daryl Nelson

Many have called Michael Rainey Jr. being groped during a live interview a sexual assault. But 50 Cent took it rather lightly and received a good deal of backlash.

So, he responded and continued to downplay the incident.

"Wait sexual assault from a male perspective this was an aggressive advance," wrote Fif in his initial reaction. "LOL He's fine no charges are being pressed."

Some probably thought he had a change of heart after the backlash, but that isn't the case.

50 Cent says he’s accepted what happened to Michael Rainey Jr., from his female fans for years, so that’s why he considered it a form of flattery and not “sexual assault”

“Ok! Your right guys, put her in jail!” https://t.co/1aNso88rDk pic.twitter.com/1H17p9bTeH

— Glock Topickz (@Glock_Topickz) June 11, 2024
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"I registered that as a form of flattery," wrote 50. "I have accepted that from female fans my whole career but ok right guys put her in jail ! Whatever floats your boat."

Where do you stand on this?