In addition to casting Lil Meech as Big Meech in his BMF series, 50 Cent has been a mentor to the youngster.
The kind of mentor who doles out tough love.
Fif called attention to Meech's stank by posting a video of a woman claiming he smelled like onions when he was at the club.
"I just wanted to say Lil Meech was very musty on Friday night,” the woman claimed. “He had went to six places and he smelled like a pound of onions. I just wanna know what possessed him to put on that long-sleeved shirt and to be so musty like that. I’m not lying. They said Meech smelled like a pound of onions, been talking about he been musty for the past week, you hear me?”
50 added commentary to the woman's words.
“@lilmeechbmf getting so fly the hating is starting. she said you smelleded like a bag of onion’s LMAO Nah dat’s Creed baby the gold bottle. LOL.”
Lil Meech denied smelling like onions.