2 Chainz Calls Out Employee For Robbing Him Of Everything


2 Chainz has a bunch of businesses in Atlanta and employs a lot of women.

Sadly, one of the females he employs robbed him blind.

2 Chainz called her out on social.

2 Chainz reveals that one of his employees stole everything, including TVs and sofas, from one of his businesses. pic.twitter.com/tZrz2ghglx

— The Art Of Dialogue (@ArtOfDialogue_) March 20, 2025
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"I do lot for community.  Really, my businesses, they help women," 2 Chainz explained. "Esco, it's mostly women that work there, the nail shop is all women ... You know, for a girl that was working in there for me, with me, Dom, to go back in there and steal all the stuff out there, the TVs, the sofas, I won't be able to get it. ... 'Cause the girl went back in there and stole everything out of there. And I ain't gon' press charges. I ain't gon' do nothing. But I just want you to see this and feel this."

Do you think Dom will now feel bad about what she did?