There was much debate last month on whether Drake swiped XXTENTACION's 'Look At Me' flow on a More Life track Drizzy previewed.
X acknowledged the similarities in an interview a couple of weeks ago. But he didn't seem too upset about it. (Perhaps because it isn't exactly an original flow.)
Yesterday, Drake spoke on the comparison in his interview with DJ Semtex.
"I [listened to 'Look at Me'] and I’m like, okay, I see where people could draw this comparison off of the first two lines, whether it be cadence or the rhyme pattern or whatever,” Drake said. “It’s crazy that people think that after all this time, after all I’ve been through, that I’m the type of person... to go and take that and make it my own. I’m not stupid, I’m not a shit person like that.”Now X is changing his tune on Drake with some very aggressive Tweets.

I'm not gonna say no names but it's funny how one of my niggas hit me up saying "drake watched ur interview and fucks with you".
— MAKE OUT HILL - XXX (@xxxtentacion) February 19, 2017
Now this pussy nigga trying to play it save and play it innocent, but it's cool we all know "hot line bling" was a bite of "chacha"
— MAKE OUT HILL - XXX (@xxxtentacion) February 19, 2017
I'm not the first nigga he bit, nor will i be the last, drake a pussy nigga money don't buy you respect.
— MAKE OUT HILL - XXX (@xxxtentacion) February 19, 2017
drakes career is almost over, he better start investing money into real-estate cause once it's all over he really gonna see the "fake love"
— MAKE OUT HILL - XXX (@xxxtentacion) February 19, 2017
X doesn't pose much of a short term threat to Drake: He's currently Tweeting from Broward County Jail, where he's facing felony charges including battery and aggravated assault of a pregnant victim, battery by strangulation, false imprisonment and home invasion.