Our long national nightmare is over. Snoop Dogg and Iggy Azalea have made up after almost four days of feuding. And by feuding we mean Snoop saying mean things about Iggy on Instagram while Azalea tried to respectfully disagree.
And who do we have to thank for putting an end to this crisis? That would be T.I. Iggy's mentor, Snoop's friend and now hero to everybody who had to keep writing about this ridiculous beef. (We keep writing because you keep clicking, BTW.)
T.I. gave Snoop a call a couple hours ago and convinced the 42-year old that he was acting silly. Then Snoop got on Instagram and apologized for his behavior in a short video.
"Hello boys and girls, I just got off the phone with my homeboy Tip, the king of Atlanta, and it's officially over. No more bad talk. I apologize. Yeah, I apologize. I'm sorry. I won't do it again," Snoop says in his mea culpa.
So what did we learn from this beef, now so thankfully settled? Nothing really. Expect that Snoop posts a lot of things on Instagram. It's like he needs a hobby. Model trains?
LoadingIt's over I'm bac on my cool shit no harm no foul. #ifitaintaboutthe