
Russell Westbrook Took An IG Shot At Kevin Durant That Went Undetected

By HHL Editors

When Kevin Durant stunned the sports world by signing with the Golden State Warriors on the 4th of July, his OKC running mate Russell Westbrook stayed silent.

Or so we thought.

In fact, Westbook hit Durant with an Independence Day subliminal that would make sense to anyone who had spent time with the Thunder.

Sports Illustrated explains in their NBA preview edition.

Westbrook and Durant were not best buds, but they were peerless partners, a souped-up Stockton and Malone, transporting a mini market to the big time. Westbrook’s closest friends are actually former high school teammates, long-standing wing men like Donnell Beverly and Demetrius (Juice) Deason, who flank him in summer pickup games and play dominoes with him on the Fourth. “He didn’t talk much about what happened,” says Beverly. Westbrook didn’t disparage Durant. He didn’t judge him. All he did was take a picture. When Kendrick Perkins played center for the Thunder, he called teammates “cupcake” if he thought they were acting a little soft. Westbrook and Durant adopted the term in jest. Westbrook posted a bittersweet pic on Instagram: three plates of cupcakes topped by red and blue stars and sprinkles.
Here's the post in question:

HAPPY 4th YALL....

A photo posted by Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) on

Golden State and OKC play on November 3.

Posted In: Sports