The typical reaction to the news that we'll probably never hear Wu-Tang's Once Upon A Time In Shaolin was disappointment. According to RZA, the mystery album is being auctioned off to the highest bidder, but that the person who ends up with one-off LP won't be able to sell any of its music for 88 years because of the nature of the copyright. Well, the situation gets a little bit rocky from here. XXL spoke with Method Man, who didn't hold back his feelings about not being in the loop on what's going on with the album.
"Fuck that album. I’m tired of this shit and I know everybody else is tired of it, too. Fuck that album, if that’s what they are doing. I haven’t heard anything like that, but if they’re doing crap like that, fuck that album. Straight up. I’m just keeping it 100. When music can’t be music and y’all turning it into something else, fuck that. Give it to the people, if they want to hear the shit, let them have it. Give it away free. I don’t give a fuck; that ain’t making nobody rich or poor. Give the fucking music out. Stop playing with the public, man."Clearly, RZA is the driving force behind the unique marketing of Once Upon A Time In Shaolin. However, as has often been the case with Wu-Tang, not all of the other members are on board with his decisions. Meth went on to say that he was a fan of the idea at first, but not if it means waiting 88 years.
"I dug the whole idea in the beginning. I’m like, ‘Wow, this has never been done before. I was cool with shit. But now, this is ridiculous. 88 years? Really? If that shit is true, that shit is stupid. You have to wait 88 years to hear some shit? By that time, it’s going to be fuckin’ played out. If it ain’t already played out. I hope that’s a rumor. Whoever said that, that shit is fuckin’ stupid."If Method Man didn't know about the whole plan for the album, we wonder how many other Wu-Tang members were uninformed? We wouldn't be surprised if more members speak out in the coming weeks.
To end on a more positive note, Meth did mention he's working on his next album, Methlab, and plans to introduce new Staten Island artists to the world.
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