According to Forbes Magazine, Master P is worth $350 million. But instead of resting on his laurels, the No Limits Records founder has moved on to the next hustle. Which is, apparently, shilling for the Winton & Hiestand Law Group, personal injury attorneys in Louisville, Kentucky.
Skeptical? Well, do you have have $350 million? Didn't think so. So maybe you shouldn't question P. Miller's business acumen.
In addition to the 30 second spot, highway billboards for Winton & Hiestand featuring Master P have been spotted all over the Louisville area.
As you can see in the video, the production values don't quite match the tanks-in-the-high-school-gym-bling of the song it references. Plus there is the matter of Master P reprising the "uhh" in his make em say uhh" catchphrase. While it sounded really good in 1997, Mr. Ice Cream man is 44 now. When he says uhh it sounds a bit like a middle-aged man with a digestive problem.