
Logic Explains His Album Title 'AfricAryaN'

By HHL Editors

Logic sees the world from the perspective of being mixed raced.

That's why he's titled his forthcoming album AfricAryaN.

He explained the provocative blended word on Dan Harmon's Harmontown podcast​

"“Scientifically proven, the first man and woman [are] from Africa, and over time, culturally evolving into a lighter and lighter and much more fairer skin. So the album is going to be called AfricAryaN. It's about me being black and white," he explained, "and seeing life from two sides, and, once again, about that cultural evolution and how you can go from the darkest of skin to the lightest of skin. Or the Aryan brotherhood, if you will, who believe they are pure of blood. When at the end of the day .. we all have so many ethnicities in our blood, no matter how pure we think we are."
Are you hype for AFricAryaN, which seems slated for early '17.

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