Kanye West didn't vote in the 2016 Presidential election.
But he told the crowd last night in San Jose, California that if he did he would have cast a ballot for Trump.
"I would have voted for Trump." - Kanye West pic.twitter.com/g9qxaT7aRc
— billy (@billycrossover) November 18, 2016
It's a fairly bold statement to make, given 'Ye's fanbase. Even bolder to say it in Cali -- state which went 2 to 1 for Hillary.
Kanye's declaration of voter preferences was met with boos and cries of "I want that old Kanye." He explained to the skeptical crowd why he found Trump's messaging attractive.
There's methods, non political methods of speaking, that I like, that I feel were very futuristic. And that style and that method of communication has proven that it can beat a political correct way of communication. And I fuck with that," Ye' said.West went on to argue that he thought Trump's election was good because it would bring white racism out into the open.
He also had a message for black people:
Specifically to black people, stop focusing on racism,” he said. “This world is racist, OK? Let’s stop being distracted to focus on that as much. It’s just a fucking fact: we are in a racist country. Period. Do not allow people to make us talk about that so fucking long.”
Kanye West tonight speaking on racism in America. "Specifically to black people, stop talking about race so much." pic.twitter.com/HTWlJgdq7E
— Brandon E. Patterson (@myblackmindd) November 18, 2016
Despite his Trump support, West implied he'd still be running against The Donald in 2020.
Is he any more likely to have your vote after last night?
Twitter wasn't very impressed.
Kanye is on stage praising Trump & telling BP to stop talking about race so much.
This is exactly why they won't let Blue play at his house — Tora Shae (@BlackMajiik) November 18, 2016
This why Jay don't want Blue playing with Kanye kids.
— Rod (@rodimusprime) November 18, 2016
everybody: "I'm voting for kanye in 2020" kanye: "I didn't vote, but I would've voted for trump" everybody: pic.twitter.com/8OjgMqirU9
— Jøhn (@Firyos_Broski) November 18, 2016
Kanye 2010: "I'm so appalled. Spalding Ball. Balding Donald Trump taking dollars from y'all."
Kanye 2016: "I would've voted for Trump." — Caleb Mak (@calebmak) November 18, 2016
Kanye: Bush doesn't care about black people Also Kanye: I would've voted for Trump pic.twitter.com/q2Mnh9osnB
— Ugene's Politics (@UgenesPolitics) November 18, 2016
First Lil Wayne and now Kanye escape the sinking ship that is social justice warriorism. https://t.co/66qxEYGlHf
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) November 18, 2016
How y'all surprised Kanye would vote for trump? That's like being surprised Stacey Dash voted for trump
— lil duval (@lilduval) November 18, 2016
As a committed fan of Kanye West for more than 10 years... I can truly say the Kanye I admired years ago is no longer this years Kanye.
— scottiebeam (@ScottieBeam) November 18, 2016
Kanye West is lost. Been lost since his mother's death.
— scottiebeam (@ScottieBeam) November 18, 2016
Let the @kanyewest boycott begin!!!!
— Eric Andre (@ericandre) November 18, 2016
He's definitely trolling because real Trump supporters definitely don't skip out on voting.
— Hannibal Buress (@hannibalburess) November 18, 2016
Kanye: George Bush doesn't like Black People. Kanye to Kanye: Nigga you don't either. pic.twitter.com/SxXcxlDexZ
— LEGEND (@ChriStylezz) November 18, 2016

Although Trump supporters were pleased.
Hillary had to shell out millions to JayZ and Beyoncé. Trump didn't even have to pay Kanye. I'm not tired of winning. #MAGA
— RockPrincess (@Rockprincess818) November 18, 2016