
Joe Budden Clarifies Meek Mill Comments; Dismisses Mill As A Lyrical Threat To Him

By HHL Editors

Joe Budden checked in with Hot 97 today, and addressed all of the hoopla about his podcast comments on Meek Mill being goofy and love struck around Nicki Minaj. Budden said it was all a case of the "blogs" blowing his words out of proportion by writing them down.

Once the blogs got a hold of that, they wrote it out and in transcript and when you read it, it sounds like as serious sentiment ... I didn't think anyone with half a brain would take it seriously," Budden said.
(You can hear his words and read the transcript here.)

Budden added that he would apologize to Meek and Nicki. But he still wasn't backing away from his claim that Meek wouldn't be able to challenge him when it came to bars.

"I think Meek has his lane that he's been successful in, and I have my lane that I've been successful in, and I don't think the two mesh very well," he told the morning crew. "I'm in a group with Slaughterhouse and we rap with Eminem," he explained, when asked what he meant by this. "He's with MMG and they rap with Ross, and I just don't think it would be very entertaining," Budden confidently said of  a Mill-Budden battle.
Check out the interview below. (And make sure to listen closely so as not to let the transcript fool you.)

Posted In: Video Meek Mill
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