For the past decade, Ahmen Fahmy has been trying to get Jay Z, Timbaland and their various record companies in court to face charges that they stole a 'Big Pimpin' sample from his uncle -- Egyptian composer Baligh Hamdy's -- 1960 track 'Khosara, Khosara.'
The trial will finally start on October 12 with both Hov and Timbaland set to testify. Jay Z's lawyer is trying to limit what his client can be grilled on, and has asked that judge to forbid any talk of Hov's wealth or criminal history.
Fahmy's lawyer argues both are relevant: He says Jay Z's bank roll suggests that he had the means to properly track down whom the copyright for 'Khosara, Khosara' belonged to, and that Hov's criminal history can establish him as someone who would steal from somebody else.
U.S. District Judge Christina Snyder should rule on these motions in a couple of weeks.
In a separate case, Jay Z and Timbaland were sued for stealing a sample in 'Drunk In Love'.