
Jay-Z Goes In On Spotify and YouTube During TIDAL Concert

By HHL Editors

Back in the day, Jay Z went after other emcees in verse. Now that he's a mogul, he goes after multi-billion dollar corporations.

During his TIDAL 'B-Side" concert tonight, HOV defended his fledgling streaming service by going in on YouTube and Spotify.

"YouTube is the biggest culprit," he said in a freestyle, much to the crowd's delight. " Them niggas pay you a 10th of what you supposed to get. You know niggas die for equal pay, right. You know when I work I ain't your slave, right?" Watch below:

HOV just dissed YouTube

A video posted by DatPiff (@datpiff) on

A video posted by DatPiff (@datpiff) on

Spotify got it too..

A video posted by DatPiff (@datpiff) on

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