In one of the biggest surprises in US history, Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States.
Coming into to the vote, Trump's own team doubted he could win.
But win he did, and you can imagine how shocked everyone else was.
Aye, what y'all wearing to the slave auction tomorrow ??
— Black Jesus (@thegame) November 8, 2016
— Snoop Dogg (@SnoopDogg) November 9, 2016
I feel like America just sent in our tuition check for Trump University.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) November 9, 2016
Hitler is real
— Chuck D (@MrChuckD) November 9, 2016
My role was to speak on behalf of my community. The DNC said Fuck my community and did what they felt best (cheated Sanders) there ya go!
— Killer Mike (@KillerMike) November 9, 2016
I was wrong. I thought America couldn't possibly disappoint me more than it already had. But, I was wrong. RIP America.
— Talib Kweli Greene (@TalibKweli) November 9, 2016
If you wanna cry watch Van Jones give the first cognizant minority understanding of the election on CNN tonight. He just made it real.
— Lil Chano From 79th (@chancetherapper) November 9, 2016
U already know Kanye gonna be the next prez. U gonna see all types of voters u never knew existed. All broke af but wearing supreme.
— FLYLO (@flyinglotus) November 9, 2016
One last time.. My president is Black.
— Young Jeezy (@Jeezy) November 9, 2016
I'm moving to Canada like snoop
— WeGotLondonOnDaTrack (@LondonOnDaTrack) November 9, 2016
What my DM's look like on #ElectionNight.
— Norm Kelly (@norm) November 9, 2016
How are you feeling this morning?