We now know who bought Wu Tang's unheard album Once Upon A Time In in Shaolin at auction.
It was Martin Shkreli. If that name rings a bell it's because he was the guy who bought the rights to a drug that helps treat AIDS and cancer, and then raised the price from $13.50 per pill to $750 per pill without warning.
For his practice of extreme capitalism, Shkreli was roundly roasted on the Internet.
According to sources he paid $2 million for the album.
The purchase actually happened in May, but the Shkreli and RZA spent months haggling over the details.
By the time the deal was closed, Shkreli had become well known for his predatory purchase of essential drugs.
Which is probably why Wu Tang wanted to keep his name out of the news, and why they announced they would be donating " a significant portion" of the proceeds to charity.