
Drake Confronts Comedian Mocking Him And Makes His Own Funnies

By HHL Editors

Drake's a pretty funny dude, as anybody who watched him on Saturday Night Live can tell you. He also has many characteristics that one can make fun of. Those things came to a head last night in Los Angeles during comedian Red Grant's set at the Comedy Store.

Grant was mocking the way Drake dances when none-other-then Drake confronted him from the crowd and took to the stage to correct him. "That was like some Omarion, Chris Brown together shit. That’s not me, man," Drake critiqued.

It was all very good-natured and possibly pre-planned. Check out some video from the happening below.

Red Grant talking shit about drake. Then drake walks on stage. #laffmob #ComedyGrind #comedystore

A video posted by Dwann Brown (@dwannb) on

More Drake footage from our comedy night. Blackout Tuesday's at the comedy store. Myself @redgrant @bobsumner24 @djmikesmoove @cashew2020 @thelaffmobb A video posted by @comediantreyelliot on

Drake and Red Grant talkin shit on stage. #laffmob

A video posted by Dwann Brown (@dwannb) on

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