
Amber Rose Is Planning A Slut Walk Because Kanye 'Slut-Shamed' Her

By HHL Editors

Amber Rose is still reeling from Kanye West's comments that he had to shower "30" times before making the romantic transition from her to Kim Kardashian.

There were even reports that she wanted to "physically fight" her smaller ex.

But instead of getting all aggro, Rose has now decided that she's going to deal with the sting of 'Ye's words by hosting a slut walk. She explains her logic to Entertainment Tonight:

I've just recently dealt with that with my ex saying he had to take 30 showers after he's been with me. We were happy when we were together and now all of a sudden I’m getting slut-shamed because we're not together anymore and it's unfair. I feel like women deal with that constantly, on a daily basis and I’m sick of it. And I'm here for my girls and we’re going to do the Amber Rose Slut Walk this summer and it’s going to be awesome.
And what's a slut walk, you may ask? We have a few videos below:

Well, we're sure Amber will still be able to figure out a way to sexy up her slut walk for Instagram.

Posted In: Rumors